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Going Green

Repair of electronic devices, reduction of e-waste production and "Right to repair"

It is impossible to imagine our daily lives without electronic devices. Cell phones, computers, televisions and other devices help us work, play and communicate. However, when these devices break or don't work properly, we often throw them away and replace them with new ones, resulting in a high waste product in electricity generation.

Repairing electronic devices can help reduce this waste production. When a device breaks, you can repair it instead of throwing it away and replacing it with a new one. This not only saves resources, but also money. You can also find repairmen to help you fix your phone or other device for less than replacing it with a new one.

However, many equipment manufacturers currently prevent repairers and users from repairing their equipment by not allowing them access to the parts and information needed to repair it. This restriction led to the concept of the "right to repair," which requires manufacturers to allow repairs and provide repairers and users with access to the necessary parts and information.

In practice, this means that manufacturers should provide manuals and repair instructions, as well as access to spare parts. This would allow repairers and users to fix their devices when they break and reduce the production of e-waste.

In order to protect the environment.

Becoming more environmentally friendly and reducing electronic waste (e-waste) involves adopting environmentally friendly practices to minimize the amount of waste generated by electronic devices. Here are some ways to reduce e-waste:

  1. Repair and reuse: Try to extend the life of your equipment by repairing it instead of buying new.
  2. Recycle: When it's time to replace your appliances, recycle them properly to ensure the toxic materials they contain don't end up in landfills.
  3. Shop responsibly: look for products that last, are easy to repair, and are made from recycled materials.
  4. Use energy efficient appliances: Energy efficient appliances use less electricity and can reduce the carbon footprint of your home or office.

By adopting these practices, you can reduce the amount of e-waste generated and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Going Green

Bolygónk védelme érdekében folyamatosan javítjuk szén-dioxid-kibocsátásunkat. Olvasson többet arról, hogyan alakítjuk át folyamatainkat a szénlábnyomunk csökkentése érdekében.

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